I am Sarah, a student of stories. I live in my head.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

two thousand and fourteen.

(found on Pinterest)
(ignore the fact that it says 2013 :D)
A bad habit I'm going to break: Biting my fingernails. It's one of those things that you wish you could stop doing, but CAN'T. 

A new skill I'd like to learn: How to play the guitar.

A person I hope to be more like: Two people come to mind for this one:
 one) My mom, because she works so hard for our family and is always attentive to our needs. She struggles sometimes with insomnia and minor health issues, but she always wakes up bright and early and doesn't seem a bit tired. I want to have her tireless, enduring spirit and her incredible work ethic. 
two) My French teacher, Mme Bitton. Her love for Jesus and passion for her work is so inspiring. Every class,she asks for prayer requests, and ALWAYS starts out her prayers with "Lord, I thank you. I thank you SO MUCH." She not only inspires me in my faith, but also with her love for all of her students and her eagerness to help us learn. 

A good deed I'm going to do: I want to let my faith shine out of me more, so that I can impact my small corner of the world with the light that God has given me.

A place I'd like to visit: NOT going to pick just one. 
one) France (mainly Paris, but other areas would be nice, too)
two) California
three) Disney World
four) Lots more that I can't think of right now but will think of as soon as I hit "Publish" for this post.

A book I'd like to read: Gosh darn it there are SO many. Here are five that I can think of off the top of my head:
one) (Finish) The Hobbit - J.R.R. Tolkien
two) The rest of the Heroes of Olympus series - Rick Riordan
three) The LOTR trilogy - J.R.R. Tolkien
four) The Harry Potter series - J.K. Rowling
five) David Copperfield - Charles Dickens

A letter I'm going to write: To V, my compassion girl.

A new food I'd like to try: I would like to delve deeper into the world of Indian food. Also, legit French bread and the like wouldn't be all bad.

I'm going to do better at: School and building relationships. 

I'd love to see how you all answer these questions! I didn't make up these questions but I'm giving you permission to use them on your own blog (or even just in the comments section). Haha. Link to your blog in a comment if you do it so I can seeee! :)


1 comment:

  1. Loved reading through your answers and goals for the new year! I may just use this to help me with my goals as well. :) oooh! I want to go to France (Paris mostly) as well! Also, you must come visit me on your travels! If you ever get to go to the second place on your list, let me know!!

    Also, I want to read the LOTR trilogy. It's on my mental list of "to-reads".

    Yes! And I want to get better at my guitar playing. You should start learning! Guitar is fun. My favorite style is finger-picking style like from "I See Fire" by Ed Sheeran. So pretty.

    I love how your French teacher asks for prayer requests from her students and starts out with thanking God. Such a good example. I'm going to remember that.

    Much love!



Thanks for leaving a little note! Getting comments makes my day! :)


1 Chronicles 1 corinthians 1 Corinthians 13 1 John 1 Peter 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 10:31 2 Corinthians 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 2 Thessalonians 2 timothy 2014 4th of July A Mighty Fortress about me accepting imperfection Acts adoption adventures in odyssey allegories Anne of Green Gables anxiety april articles assurance of faith atheism audrey assad authority baptism barabbas be still my soul be watchful bear one another's burdens beauty beloved bible study blessings blimey cow blog awards blog friends blog management :) books brokenness by myself c.s. lewis celebrities change chemistry children children of God christianity Christmas church church family City of God Colossians comforter compassion consolation of philosophy contentedness contentment creed darkness dc talk death desperation deuteronomy devotions diligence discipline doubt Downton Abbey easter encouragement endurance enjoying God Ephesians eternal love eternity evangelism exams Exodus faith fasting fear fiery trial foolishness for me forgiveness freedom friends future galatians generosity goals God God's children God's faithfulness God's gifts God's glory God's goodness God's greatness God's love God's omnipresence God's plan God's power God's presence God's promises God's protection God's sovereignty God's strength God's will God's wisdom good day grace Habakkuk happy having fun healing heaven Hebrews heir hillsong history honesty hope humility hymns I shall not want identity ignorance imagination Isaiah James James 1:5 jars of clay jenny simmons Jeremiah jeremiah 29:11 Jesus jesus culture jesus freak Jesus' return Job john joy judah smith judging people Kari Jobe kindness knowing God Lamentations learning legalism lies life light link-up links lists little thoughts love luke Markus Zusak masterpieces mat kearney Matthew may mercy metaphors michael card missions trips monday monthly report card monthly resolutions music my girl my own strength my work New Year newsboys optimism overwhelmed parables parents passion conference patience peace. perfect love perfection perfectionist perspective philemon Philippians pinterest planet wisdom plans poetry positivity prayer prayer request praying for the lost pride of the yankees procrastination Proverbs Proverbs 3 psalm 139 Psalm 23 psalm 40 Psalms purpose quotes raising money rant Ray Bradbury ready red sea rejoice always relationships resist the devil resolutions responsibility resurrection Revelation righteousness Romans salvation sanctification satisfaction school scripture security seeing Jesus self control self-esteem sermons serving setting examples sluggard songs speech spiritual food St. Augustine stand firm stories Streams in the Desert strength stress struggles studying summer surrendering sympathy tears temptation testimonies testimony thankfulness Thanksgiving the Bible the cross the devil the gospel the heart the Holy Spirit the light at the end of the tunnel the tongue theme verse thursday verse :) Titus traveling trials trust trusting God truth Tullian Tchividjian two thousand and fourteen unconditional love Valentine's day versatile blog award victory videos waiting weakness wednesday verse Westminster Confession of Faith who we are in Christ wisdom witnessing words work worry worship Worthy writing youth group


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